Missing you at Christmas poems will perfectly explain your feelings that how much you are missing him/her so, get missing you Christmas poems and send to anyone you want. Missing you at Christmas poem and missing someone at Christmas poems contain the perfect words for showing the emotions. We have short romantic Christmas poems and funny rude Christmas poems also.
Baby I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can’t get u
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
& I’m all right
But then I miss u, most at Christmas time

In The Flower My Rose Is You.
In The Diamond My Kohinoor Is You.
In The Sky My Moon Is u.
I’m Only Body My Heart Is u.
That’s Why I Always MISS u.
I miss u, most at Christmas time

I am missing you at Christmas.
I am longing to see your smile
But know that you can’t come.
A Christmas gift, especially chosen
For you is still waiting for you,
The garden is now white with snow
Just the way you loved it,
Holly leaves and candy sticks
Have lost their charm.
I miss last Christmas when
We were together and
This Christmas is so lonesome
But you are enjoying it, I know
In heaven…
– Copyrighted by Dgreetings

I am waiting and hoping and wishing for the time, when we can be together again! I Miss You!

Christmas may be many things
or it may be a few.
For u the joy
is each new toy
4 me
it’s watching U

Missing you at Christmas
Every day without you
since you had to go,
Is like summer without sunshine
and winter without snow.
I wish that I could talk to you
There’s so much I would say,
Life has changed so very much
since you went away.
I miss the bond between us
and I miss your kind support,
You’re in my mind and in my heart
and every Christmas thought.
I’ll always feel you close to me
and though you’re far from sight,
I’ll search for you among the stars
that shine on Christmas night.