Tag Archives: christmas celeberation

Christmas Countdown 2015

It shows you exactly how long to Christmas! There are 36 more sleeps to the big day (but I’m not counting — I’m just grumpy!) Are there still a lot of days till Christmas 2015? It ALWAYS seems like there are a lot of days to Christmas!














Christmas Celebration 2014

Christmas is one of those holidays that just seems to be filled with cheer and wonder. Whether you are celebrating a secular or religious Christmas, your day is sure to be filled with happiness, especially with a little help from wondrouspics.


Go with your family to your local Christmas tree farm to cut your own or head to a lot selling pre-cut Christmas trees. Pick out a Christmas tree that fits your house. After you’ve gotten your tree situated, wrap it in lights and begin hanging the ornaments. Don’t forget to water it occasionally and safeguard it from pets.




The possibilities for decorating are nearly endless. Put Christmas lights on your house. Hang mistletoe in the doorways hang a homemade wreath on your door, or put Christmas figurines like Santa or Rudolph out on your counters.


You can decorate your tree with family heirloom ornaments or try something new by decorating a tree with Star Trek or superhero themed ornaments, or with little trains, or with Disney characters for example. It’s really up to you–be as creative or traditional as you like.

For many people, Christmas is about gathering with friends and family to enjoy each others company and celebrate the holiday. The day is a national holiday and most folks get a day off work. Take advantage of this time to reconnect with friends and family. Create your own traditions or celebrate with the traditions that have been passed down in your family.