People very profoundly choose a desktop wallpaper for their desktops and decorate their desktops for making it more and more attractive for persons, who might get a look at their desktop. Wallpapers create a pleasant and cool look of the desktops, which usually is very relaxing and pleasant for the owner of the PC itself. Here are following Happy New Year 2014 fireworks wallpapers.
The London 2012 Olympics are officially over. But people are still buzzing about Sunday’s closing ceremony. Some 80,000 lucky ticket-holders with seats inside the Olympic Stadium witnessed thousands of rockets explode on a night of celebration. But hundreds of thousands more people in London also got to experience some of the festivities as the fireworks lit up the night sky to be seen for miles around. Here are London Olympics closing ceremony fireworks pictures…..
At the end of the Ceremony, the Olympic Games were handed over to Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympic Games, and the Olympic Flame was extinguished, signalling the end of the London 2012 Olympic Games.